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Crunch Pak

Crunch Pak's picture

Employer Introduction

It’s Always Crunch Time!

Crunch Pak is the industry leader in fresh sliced apples. Founded in 2000, Crunch Pak is committed to providing the highest quality organic and conventional sliced apples in the market. Crunch Pak’s family of brands include Crunch Pak, Crunch Pak Organic, Disney / Crunch Pak. Annually Crunch Pak creates more than 1.7 billion apple slices at plants in Cashmere, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

Quick Crunch Facts

  • Crunch Pak is 15 years old
  • We provide over 800 year round jobs in a region that is highly seasonal
  • Crunch Pak produces 1,200 slices per minute, which add up to 72,000 slices per hour, that is 2 million slices in just one day, more than 1.7 billion slices a year!
  • Crunch Pak has sliced enough apples since inception, that if they were laid end to end, they would wrap around the world 24 times
  • An average of 65 apples per person are consumed in America each year which is 780 Crunch Pak slices