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Newport Beach, California

Chipotle Mexican Grill's picture
Description: Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE: CMG) is cultivating a better world by serving responsibly sourced, classically-cooked, real food with wholesome ingredients without artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Chipotle had over 3,400 restaurants as of Decem...
South San Francisc...California

Bay Area Herbs & Specialties's picture
Description: For over 20 years, Bay Area Herbs & Specialties has supplied the US market with the finest specialty produce available. From fresh culinary herbs to baby vegetables, from edible flowers to specialty berries and fiddlehead ferns. We are privileged to wor...
Central Valley, CA...California

Continental Western Corporation's picture
Description: Continental Western Corporation (CWC) is a leading provider of industrial packaging supplies with a strong commitment to quality, innovation, and customer service. We specialize in serving the agriculture sector, delivering tailored...

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